Blog & Gallery

Explore our Restaurant's Blog & Gallery for culinary insights, behind-the-scenes stories, and visually captivating dishes that showcase the heart and soul of our kitchen.


Explore culinary expertise in our blog with insightful articles, tantalizing recipes, and expert tips. Join us on a journey of flavor and creativity

2023-11-07 | admin

“Tempat Kuliner di Medan Restoran Menu Nusantara dan Western”

Surga kuliner di Medan dengan berbagai pilihan tempat makan enak, fasilitas reservasi meeting room yang berkualitas, dan pengalaman wisata kuliner yang menggoda.

2023-11-10 | admin

“Merayakan Hari Pahlawan dengan Kelezatan Kuliner: Paket Spesial di Restoran”

Menikmati paket kuliner spesial hari pahlawan di restoran medan, Selamat Hari Pahlawan untuk Masyarakat Kota medan Jangan lupa datang ke Restoran

Photo Gallery

Discover our captivating photo gallery, showcasing vibrant dishes and behind-the-scenes kitchen moments. Each photo tells a story of passion and culinary craftsmanship, inviting you to savor every moment.

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”


Gedung Concepto ID Lt. 2
Jl. Alfalah No. 19, Medan

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A Company 2013-2023

Our Supporting Partner