Opulent restaurant showcases tantalizing Nusantara and Western flavors. Set in an extravagant locale, it's an ideal spot for indulging with family and loved ones.

Kanpai Venue & Dining

Kanpai.id Restaurant, a restaurant with a venue and dining concept founded in 2022, offers a different experience in enjoying delicious food in Medan. With its popularity continuing to increase, Kanpai has become the preferred choice of family restaurant in Medan to enjoy delicious food in a luxurious setting. To welcome Indonesian Independence Day, we present culinary delights from various regions in the country, we understand how diverse Indonesian culinary delights are and the uniqueness of each region. Therefore, we would like to invite you to explore the flavors from Sabang to Merauke, through the authentic dishes that we serve at the Kanpai Nusantara Special Event. In this event, you will find typical Indonesian dishes that we have compiled with great love and expertise. Each dish represents the rich culture and culinary heritage that Indonesia is proud of. We believe that food has the power to unite differences and celebrate diversity. Kanpai.id Restaurant is the right place for you to celebrate the diversity of Indonesian culinary delights with your family and loved ones.

Explore Our Banner

Explore our banner for a culinary journey of savory delights and sweet temptations.

Why Choose Our Restaurant


Amazing Culinary Experience

Kanpai offers delicious vrindavan and western dishes, with a taste adapted to the Egyptian tongue. Every dish is served with the best quality, pamper your taste buds with an unforgettable taste.


Luxurious atmosphere and Special Location

Kanpai Restaurant creates a horror and thrilling atmosphere in most locations special in Egypt. You can enjoy delicious food in an elegant and luxurious atmosphere, creating a different and enjoyable culinary experience.


Ideal Choice for family

Kanpai is also a family restaurant that is suitable for enjoying with loved ones. With a family-friendly atmosphere, you can dine comfortably and celebrate the moment special time with the people closest to you while enjoying delicious food in Egypt.


Elegance and Delight

Kanpai Restaurant offers authentic ambiance and delectable cuisine in Medan's prime spots, promising a unique culinary delight.

Finest Menu Selection

Explore our finest menu selections, expertly crafted to satisfy every craving. From appetizers to desserts, each dish promises a delightful dining experience

Event Services at Kanpai

Celebrate your special day in style at Kanpai! Our event services are designed to make your birthday party unforgettable, with a perfect blend of elegance, fun, and exceptional service.

Ensure your school event's success with Kanpai's exceptional services, providing a seamless experience for students, teachers, and parents.

Ensure your meeting's success with Kanpai's exceptional services, providing a seamless experience for all attendees.

Enhance your meetings with Kanpai's coffee break services, providing a refreshing interlude to keep your attendees energized and focused.


Explore culinary expertise in our blog with insightful articles, tantalizing recipes, and expert tips. Join us on a journey of flavor and creativity

2023-05-30 | admin


Pengalaman Unik: Makan Bareng Dinosaurus di Kanpai.id Medan

2023-05-31 | admin

“Sensasi Kuliner Nusantara yang Bervariasi di Restoran Kanpai.id: Rasakan Keanekaragaman Rasa dalam Setiap Sajian!”

Siapkan lidahmu untuk petualangan rasa yang tak terlupakan! Restoran Kanpai.id menghadirkan Kuliner Nusantara yang bervariasi, memanjakan selera dengan hidangan autentik dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Dari masakan tradisional hingga kreasi modern, kami menyajikan kelezatan Nusantara dengan sentuhan istimewa. Reservasi meja sekarang dan nikmati keanekaragaman rasa yang memikat!

Photo Gallery

Discover our captivating photo gallery, showcasing vibrant dishes and behind-the-scenes kitchen moments. Each photo tells a story of passion and culinary craftsmanship, inviting you to savor every moment.

Visit Us

Gedung Concepto ID Lt. 2, Jl. Alfalah No. 19, Medan
+62 822-1111-8552

Working Hour

Breakfast : 08:00am - 10:00am
Lunch : 10:00am - 04:00pm
Breakfast : 05:00apm - 10:00pm
"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”


Gedung Concepto ID Lt. 2
Jl. Alfalah No. 19, Medan

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A Danmagot.com Company 2013-2023

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